2021, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2021; 50 (4)
Factors associated with mistreatment of health sciences thesis students in Peru
Mamani-Benito OJ, Tito-Betancur M, Corrales-Reyes IE, Mendoza DJ, Rivera-Berrios L, Mejia CR
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Academic mistreatment is common in Peru, but it has not been investigated if it happens during the elaboration of the thesis.
Determine the factors associated with the perception of mistreatment towards thesis students by Peruvian health sciences advisers, juries and administrators.
Cross-sectional and analytic study based on a survey previously validated in Peru and that it measured the perception of general mistreatment on the part of advisory, juries and administrative personnel; to which was associated the population's characteristics.
Of the 426 surveyed, the commonest mistreated were because the advisers (8.5 %) and the juries (9.9 %) always forced them to make what they wanted, also, the university didn't give the facilities (17.6 %). Studying medicine (p= 0.030), nursing (p= 0.041), obstetrics (p= 0.003) and to reside in the mountain (p< 0.001) were factors associated to the perception of a general mistreatment, adjusted by the age. The age (p= 0.024) and to reside in the mountain (p< 0.001) were factors associated to the mistreatment perception on the part of the adviser, adjusted by the university type. Residing in the mountain (p< 0.001) was a factor associated to the mistreated perception on the part of the juries, adjusted by the university type and the university career.
There are intentional manifestations of power and imposition of opinions on the part of advisory, juries and administrative toward thesis students, showing that this phenomenon is recurrent in the higher education in Peru.
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