2021, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2021; 50 (4)
Prevalence and factors associated with different types of intimate partner violence in Peruvian women
Tiravanti-Delgado D, Chuquizuta-Lucero M, Barja-Ore J, Valverde-Espinoza N
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Intimate partner violence is a public health problem that has a negative impact on the health status of women, and whose multifactorial origin demands the need for new comprehensive and prevention strategies.
To determine the prevalence and factors associated with the different types of intimate partner violence in Peruvian women.
Cross-sectional study, carried out from the 2019 Demographic and Family Health Survey, 2,518 records of women of reproductive age were analyzed. Unweighted and weighted counts were estimated, with its 95% confidence intervals. The chi square test was used.
The prevalence of intimate partner violence was 57,7 %. Psychological abuse occurred in 52,8 % of women, physical abuse in 29,5 % and sexual abuse in 7,1 %. In the cases of physical violence, 21,8 % had primary education and 84,3 % reported that their partner drank alcohol. Among the women with psychological abuse, 72,7 % were between 30 and 49 years old and 80,2 % were from urban areas. Among the victims of sexual violence, 48,5 % were poor or very poor and 47 % had secondary education.
Intimate partner violence is a very prevalent problem, which is associated with different sociodemographic factors, although sexual and physical abuse were not associated with the area of residence, nor psychological violence with age.
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