2023, Number 2
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2023; 51 (2)
SMELL: oldest form of communication and precise sense that the otolaryngologist must know in depth
Agredo LFE, Cuello BGA
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 137-142
PDF size: 261.85 Kb.
Introduction: The key role of the ancient olfactory sensory system is to provide information
about chemicals in the environment. Smell plays a role in the detection of
dangerous compounds, the maintenance of nutrition, interpersonal behavior, neurological
health, and the sensation of pleasure, among other functions. Consequently,
olfactory dysfunction can lead to a risk of injury, malnutrition, social isolation, and
a poor quality of life.
Materials and methods: A bibliographical exploration was
carried out and articles were identified according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria
defined and those with quality evidence were taken.
Discussion: The human
olfactory system has considerable anatomical, physiological, and genetic differences
from that of other mammals.
Conclusions: Olfactory skills vary with factors such
as age, sex, stage of development, certain ear, nose and throat diseases and general
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