2023, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (07)
Changes in the microbiota during pregnancy: a narrative review
Márquez IAA, Mariscal RBE, González PAM, Valbuena GE
Language: Spanish
References: 137
Page: 499-515
PDF size: 276.33 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the scientific evidence on changes in the microbiota during
Methodology: A review of the literature published between 2013 and 2022 was
carried out through the search of scientific articles in Spanish and English in the bibliographic
Portal of Evidence of the Virtual Health Library - BVS, LILACS, BIREME, EVIPNET,
PUBMED and COCHRANE. The selection of articles was based on the descriptors:
Microbiota, pregnancy, Gut microbiome, Fetus-Microbiota, Placenta – Microbiota,
combined with each other with the Boolean “and”.
Results: A total of 3,038 possible articles were identified and 137 were found suitable
for the objective of the review because they were directly related to pregnancy and
microbiota. Cross-sectional studies, trials, reviews, cohorts, case-controls, systematic
review, or meta-analysis were reviewed.
Conclusions: Microbiota has been found in various tissues or organs that were previously
believed to be sterile during pregnancy, and with this, it is suggested that all the
changes that this stage entails can influence the maternal and fetal microbiota. However,
despite the growing research in the area, there are still questions to be resolved to help
solve the enigma of the changes in diversity in the different complications of pregnancy
and whether the use of probiotics would influence reducing the risk to present them.
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