2002, Number 1
Technical Mom’s Kangaroo Study
Mares AMA, García GA, Alexander HCE
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 16-19
PDF size: 34.31 Kb.
As a consequence of the technical Mom’s Kangaroo use so limited in Hospitals of Neonatología in the Mexico City and Area conurbana, with the objective of observing the behavior of premature R/N with under weight when being born, managed with technical of Mom´s Kangaroo and Incubator, to detect the training neccesity for the personnel and family, to determine the importance of the program for the families, and to motivate their active participation, diffusing the obtained results. Through a study with retrospective, transverse, observational, comparative design. In the General Hospitals of Mexico, Gineco-obstetrics of the C.M. The Race and Perinatología, take a number probabilistic at random of the hospitals in study being questioned and obtaining as a result first in technique he/she suckles kangaroo and later with incubator. Benefit 100% against 50%, disadvantages 0 against 70%, knowledge of the technical Mom´s Kangaroo for the relative 5% against 95%, for the personnel 80%, against 20%, I manage with incubator for the relative 80% against 20% and the personnel 100%, production of milk maternal 95% against 5%.Concluding that even when they are few the cases, the Technical Mom´s Kangaroo demonstrates you/he/she is of more benefit for all those that practice it, call you Institution R/N, family, personal of the health.