2023, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2023; 25 (3)
Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Medical Residents
Fernández-Ortega MÁ, Chávez-Ciriaco A, Sánchez-Mendéz I
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 135-138
PDF size: 237.12 Kb.
Throughout the medical career, various risk factors
are incorporated and their presence increase the
probability of mental health illness of students. The
prevalence of depressive symptoms among medical
students ranges between. 21% to 43%, with an average
of 29%. This prevalence doubles the occurrence in
the general population. The prevalence of depressive
symptoms depends on themmedical specialty, academic
year, workload, working environment, culture and
country, among others. These same risk factors can
generate other disorders, such as: anxiety, burnout
syndrome, fatigue, lack of interest and even suicide.
There is also a greater probability of medical errors.
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