2021, Number 4
Identification of health processes by master's degree students from the National School of Public Health
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 546.22 Kb.
Introduction: The academic programs of specialties, master’s degrees and courses taught at the National School of Public Health include the study of processes and process management, a technology that can be implemented to improve the quality of health services in Cuba.Objective: To identify the processes linked to the performance of master’s courses students in health institutions.
Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive research carried out between January and March 2020, focused on the search for knowledge about the topic of processes in students of the master's degree courses of Primary Health Care and Health Promotion and Education. The identification of five processes linked to their work was requested according to the definition of the variable process and the selection of a process for the collective construction of a flow diagram and a process file.
Results: Grammatical errors and errors in the identification of processes were observed in thirteen master’s degree students, while those repeated were eliminated. The processes were grouped and classified into operational, supportive and strategic. A flow chart and a file of the process most identified by the master’s degree students were made.
Conclusions: Operational processes were identified more frequently than supportive and strategic ones. The construction of a flow chart and a process sheet allowed greater visibility of the activities and tasks developed during the medical care process by the basic health team in the family medical office.
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