2021, Number 4
Risk perception about papilloma virus infection in university students
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 346.86 Kb.
Introduction: The human papilloma virus is considered the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease. 50% of the sexually active population has had contact with the virus at some time in their lives.Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and risk perception of the university population of Machala about human papillomavirus infection, its general aspects, its transmission and consequences.
Methods: A cross-sectional and quantitative study carried out with 239 university students of both sexes. We used a survey on human papillomavirus in adults, modified with the Human Papillomavirus Vulnerability Questionnaire.
Results: 37.2% reported that they had not heard about the virus, mainly male students. There were significant differences (P=0.000) regarding the knowledge of the disease according to gender. 67.3% reported that they have never received an educational talk about the virus. Most of them responded adequately to the mode of transmission, that the virus affects men as well as women, the forms of protection, that it causes genital warts and neoplasia of the cervix. However, ignorance was found about the vaccine, the usefulness of the Pap smear test, that this disease can be asymptomatic and incurable, and its relationship with other neoplasms.
Conclusions: The risk perception of the students was very low in general and more deficient in men than in women. In the comparisons by sex, it was evidenced that those students who received educational talks by the health personnel are associated with better knowledge about human papillomavirus.
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