2021, Number 4
Factor that Influence Therapeutic Adherence in Hypertensive Patients
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-18
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Introduction: The worldwide prevalence of arterial hypertension ranges between 30% and 45%, regardless of geographical area or economic level of any country.Objective: To identify the factors that influence therapeutic adherence in hypertensive patients.
Methods: An observational, analytical and cross-sectional study was carried out. The population was made up of 105 hypertensive patients belonging to the family medical office # 16 of Marianao Municipality. We studied demographic and epidemiological variables, as well as the level of knowledge about arterial hypertension and therapeutic adherence. The chi-square test of linear trend was used for nominal and ordinal categorical variables, together with Somers's D test for ordinal variables. The ordinal logistic regression model was applied to identify predictive variables of total adherence.
Results: The mean age of the studied population was 67.1±12.1 years. The female sex predominated, with 67 (63.2%). Married patients predominated, with 52 patients (49.1%). A relationship was evidenced between marital status and the level of therapeutic adherence (P=0.035). A statistically significant relationship was found between the level of therapeutic adherence and 1) the level of adequate knowledge about hypertension (P=0.035) and 2) the time of diagnosis of the disease (P=0.030).
Conclusions: There was a predominance of patients with white skin was obtained, as an unexpected result. Marital status, hypertension onset time and level of knowledge were related to therapeutic adherence.
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