2023, Number 2
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Odovtos-Int J Dent Sc 2023; 25 (2)
CBCT Study of Root Apices Distance to Mandibular Canal in Peruvian Population
Manrique P, Agurto A, Guerrero ME
Language: English
References: 36
Page: 144-154
PDF size: 390.95 Kb.
The purpose of this study was to compare the average distances from the
root apices of the first molars, second molars, and second premolars to the mandibular
canal according to sex in the Peruvian population using cone-beam computed
tomography (CBCT). Eighty CBCT scans of Peruvian patients aged from 15-80 years
were examined. After locating the mandibular canal, measurements of the vertical
distances from the mandibular canal to the apices of the second premolars, as well as
the first molars and second molars, were made. For the statistical analysis, Student’s
t test was used for both paired and unpaired samples, with a significance level of
p‹0.05. On the right side, the second molar presented a mean distance of 3.99mm
for males and 2.87mm for females, showing a significant difference (p‹0.05). When
compared bilaterally, no significant differences were found (p›0.05) between the
distances from the apices of the second premolars and the first and second molars to
the mandibular canal. However, for the second premolars and second molars on the
left side, the values were higher, with averages of 5.52mm and 3.75mm, respectively.
The mesial roots of the second molars were closer to the mandibular canal. In addition,
women showed shorter distances than men.
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