2021, Number 4
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Rev cubana med 2021; 60 (4)
Extrarticular manifestations and antibodies against citrullinated cyclic peptides in rheumatoid arthritis
Chico CA, Bertoli GL, Estévez TM, Kokuina E, Casas FN, Sánchez BY
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 369.95 Kb.
Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis within its expression as a systemic
inflammatory disease presents extra-articular manifestations.
Objectives: To determine the frequency of extra-articular manifestations in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis, to identify the most frequent and their
association with antibodies against citrullinated cyclic peptides.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 101 patients
with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, assisted in the protocolized consultation
of Rheumatology service at Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital, from
August to December 2019. Sociodemographic characteristics were identified, such
as age, sex, time of evolution of rheumatoid arthritis, smoking habits. The
presence of extra-articular manifestations was searched for by questioning,
physical examination and with the help of complementary tests, and the titers of
antibodies against citrullinated cyclic peptides were determined in the plasma of
the patients.
Results: Extra-articular manifestations were present in 38 patients, 37.6% of the
cases, the most frequent were subcutaneous nodules in 37 patients, and anemia
in 35, which constituted 36.6% and 34.7% of the cases, respectively. Seventy eight
patients were positive for citrullinated cyclic antipeptides, 77.2% of the sample,
there was no association between the presence of citrullinated cyclic antipeptides
and the activity of the disease. There was no significant association between the
presence of these antibodies and the presence of extra-articular manifestations p
<0.0001, the association between the levels of citrullinated cyclic antipeptides
and the number of extra-articular manifestations in a patient was significant
Conclusions: The existing joint manifestations in the studied patients were
significantly associated with the presence of citrullinated cyclic antipeptides.
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