2021, Number 4
Patient satisfaction with care received in health areas
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 347.84 Kb.
Introduction: Patient satisfaction in primary health care has been frequently criticized. Therefore, it is very important to deepen on the patients’ opinion, their needs and expectations.Objective: To determine the degree of satisfaction of patients who attend the family doctor's and nurse's offices.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was developed from October to December 2020, using a multistage stratified sampling, with a sample of 325 patients. A semi-structured survey was applied. Absolute and relative frequencies and a measure of central tendency were estimated, as well as Pearson's chisquare and Pareto diagram.
Results: The mean age was 42 years. 72.6% (236) of the patients were female. The prevalent level of education was that of average technician in 37.2% (121). Perceived satisfaction was evidenced in 92.6% (299). Statistical significance was demonstrated among the variables of satisfaction and waiting time before consultation, explanation of health status, performance of physical examination, measurement of temperature and blood pressure, medical explanation, and medical treatment. The Pareto chart prioritized five variables.
Conclusions: Despite having obtained high satisfaction, constructs that should be worked on were distinguished. From the Pareto chart, the performance of the physical examination, temperature and blood pressure measurement is summarized, as well as the opportunity to explain to the doctor about their conditions and medical explanation.
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