2023, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (3)
Validation in a Latin American context of the Parenting and Family Adjustment Scale (PAFAS)
Agudelo-Hernández F, Guapacha-Montoyta M, Vélez-Botero H
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 192-199
PDF size: 195.97 Kb.
Objective: To explore the psychometric
properties of the Parenting and Family
Adjustment Scale (PAFAS) and propose
its validation in a Colombian context.
Methods: Cultural adaptation and validation
by experts were performed, and
this version was applied to a sample of
151 caregivers of children and adolescents
aged eight to thirteen years (M= 9.2;
standard deviation= 3.41) to assess the
language changes. Subsequently, the
scales were administered to sample one
(n= 151) to explore the dimensionality
of the scale and then confirm the proposed
models in sample two (n= 130).
Results: A moderate-to-high reliability
was found (alpha= 0.734), which increased
to 0.79 with the final version.
Regarding content validity, there was
good agreement among experts (Kappa
index= 0.85-0.94 and Cohen’s Delta=
0.53-0.60). The final instrument consisted
of 16 items in two components:
parenting (57.53% of the variance),
comprising the parent-child relationship
and coercive parenting, and family
adjustment (59.51% of the variance),
comprising parental adjustment and
family relationships. Correlations
between these domains and the Zarit
Scale were statistically significant, with
correlations found between parent-child
relationship (0.244), coercive parenting
(0.21), and family adjustment (0.184),
as well as with the PHQ-9, with parental
adjustment (0.218) and family relationships
Conclusion: PAFAS is a
reliable and easy-to-administer tool that
can be used in family and community
settings within the primary care level.
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