2023, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (3)
Validation of a Self-Management Instrument for Family Caregivers
Peñarrieta-de Córdova MI, Albornoz-Jiménez CF, León-Hernández RC, Flores-Barrios C, De la Cruz-Palomo AA, Flores-Barrios F
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 178-183
PDF size: 161.63 Kb.
Objective: To determine the validity
and reliability of a self-management
instrument for family caregivers in
Latin America.
Methods: validation of
the instrument to obtain psychometric
qualities (validity and reliability) in
a non-probabilistic by convenience
sample of 66 family caregivers from
Mexico, Peru, and Colombia. The exploratory
factor analysis was performed
with SPSS v. 25.0, which included the
following statistical indicators: Kaiser-
Meyer-Olkin test, Barlett’s Test of
Sphericity, and determinant value, the
Varimax method was used for rotation.
The Confirmatory Factor analysis was
performed with AMOS 24.0 software.
Results: Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient
estimation of the instrument was=
0.815. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value
was 0.699, and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity
was significant (p
‹0.01). Three
factors were obtained with loadings
greater than 0.40; they explained
63.76% of the variance. Factor 1 consisted
of 2 items and factors 2 and 3
consisted of three items, respectively.
Acceptable results were obtained for
the construct validity of the threefactor
caregiver self-management
instrument. The absolute measures of
fit and incremental fit indicate good
model adequacy.
Conclusions: The
present instrument allowed the evaluation
of self-management behavior in
family caregivers of people with chronic
disease, with important characteristics
such as: the number of items (8), easy
application, and a time of 15 minutes
which will contribute to the health care
provider to evaluate self-management in
Latin America.
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