2021, Number 4
Bibliodebate: a tool for the professional development of health librarians
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 544.23 Kb.
The health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic makes it necessary to remain updated and continue to learn through the use of virtual networks and environments. In the year 2013 the care section of the network at the Provincial Medical Sciences Information Center of Mayabeque created the electronic bulletin Bibliodebate, which is distributed via electronic mail using the discussion list Biblioredmay and made available in the website of the institution and in social networks. A retrospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted in the network of libraries of the province to evaluate the effectiveness of the bulletin Bibliodebate based on its use by health librarians. It is noteworthy that only three respondents download the bulletin from the institutional website and 14 (51.8%) use it as a professional development tool about topics related to the library. Of these, 12 are information specialists. 81.4% evaluated the bulletin as excellent. It is concluded that the bulletin Bibliodebate contributes to network learning by health librarians in the province.REFERENCES
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