2023, Number 2
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2023; 21 (2)
COVID-19 pandemic: telemedicine and teledermatology development.
Part II: teledermatology branches, human, ethical and legal aspects of teledermatology, and promissory future of telemedicine
Seijo CJA, Ramos GJA, Valdéz VJJ, Meneses DLE, Ángeles AJL
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 148-167
PDF size: 431.01 Kb.
Telemedicine represents the uses of telecommunications technology
in order to offer health care remotely. The recent progress in
technological advances have increased the ability of clinicians to
apply it, because dermatology relies on visual elements that are
captured by digital imaging, which makes it ideal suited for this
care model.
The contagious COVID-19 pandemic has generated an additional
boost to teledermatology. The second part of this paper
reviews alternatives in the practice as teledermoscopy, teledermatopathology,
inpatient teledermatology and, medical education.
Also limitations and obstacles, human, ethical legal and regulatory
aspects and the promissory future in telemedicine.
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