2023, Number 2
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2023; 21 (2)
Epidemiology of mycetoma at Dermatological Center in Yucatan (2001-2021)
Eljure LN, Alcocer SM, Conde OCE, Torres GE, Atoche DCE
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 104-110
PDF size: 209.66 Kb.
Background: mycetoma is a chronic, inflammatory syndrome
that results from traumatic inoculation of actinomycetes (actinomycetoma)
or fungi (eumycetoma). Estimated prevalence in Mexico
is 0.15 per 100 thousand inhabitants, with a total of 3 933 cases
according to the last national casuistic in 2013.
Materials and methods: We performed an observational, descriptive,
retrospective study at the Mycology Laboratory in Dermatological
Center in Yucatan from 2001 to 2021. Descriptive statistics
were applied.
Results: seventy cases were studied: actinomycetomas 91.44%
and eumycetomas 8.58%, Nocardia was the most frequent causal
agent, the trunk was the most affected corporal region in 60%,
contrasting significantly with national and international literature.
Conclusions: improve training in first contact health personnel,
and more laboratory infrastructure must be a priority in the Yucatan
peninsula to help visualize the real magnitude of the problem.
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