2021, Number 1
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2021; 41 (1)
Alport Syndrome: Update in Pathophysiology, Genetics, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Courville K, Núñez-Samudio V, Landires I
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 62-71
PDF size: 384.58 Kb.
Alport syndrome is a renal hereditary
disease of progressive course, caused by
genetic defects in the genes responsible
for the constitution of the glomerular
basement membrane. Mutation in
genes for type IV collagen occurs
at COL 4A3/4/5, which produces
interference in the correct membrane
arrangement. Clinical presentation
may vary depending on mutation
type. After confirming diagnosis,
with genetic studies or biopsies,
management includes identification
of risk and treatment. Reduction
of proteinuria, as management
guidelines suggest, has resulted in
delay in progression to chronic kidney
disease. In the meantime, studies for
new treatment developments are in
progress, directed to specific receptors.
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