2023, Number 2
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2023; 43 (2)
Brief history of dialysis in the world and in Argentina. Part 3: the beginnings of peritoneal dialysis in the world
Cusumano AM, Acosta GL, Cusumano C
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 119-126
PDF size: 504.43 Kb.
Milestones throughout history
marked the path to reach peritoneal
dialysis (PD) as a treatment for
advanced chronic kidney disease
(CKD). The Egyptian embalmers,
Galen (2nd century) and Vesalius
(16th century) provided knowledge
about the anatomy of the peritoneum.
It was not until 1628 that Asellius
Gaselli described the abdominal
lymphatic capillaries. The 19th
century was rich in advances: the
cell was identified as the unit of
living beings and the phenomenon
of osmosis (Dutrochet, 1828),
crystalloids and colloids and their
passage or not through a membrane
(Graham T, 1850), the flow of solutes
and particles through the peritoneal
membrane (Recklinghausen,
1863), the absorption of hypotonic
substances and the increase in effluent
with hypertonic ones (Wegner G,
1877), and animal experiments
confirmed that fluid removal and
other substances occurred primarily
through blood vessels (Starling &
Tubby, 1894). But it was not until the
20th century that PD was applied as
treatment. The first attempt to use
the peritoneum to treat uremia was
made by Georg Ganter in 1923, first
in animals with ureteral ligation and
then in two patients. It was not until
1937 that the first case that survived
a peritoneal “lavage” was published
(Wear et al.), but it was Fine, Frank
and Seligman who initially in
nephrectomized dogs and later in
patients with acute kidney injury
(ARI) demonstrated that the method
was not only viable, but also succesful.
Then progress continued, especially
for patients with ARI, but also in
some cases with advanced CKD:
the double hanging bottle (Maxwell
M, 1959), chronic intrahospital
dialysis with a cycler (Tenckoff et
al. , 1965), plastic bags for PD, until
1975 when Moncrief et al. launched
continuous ambulatory PD, and in
1981 automated PD was introduced.
The 1990s saw the expansion of PD,
to date installed as one of treatment
alternatives for advanced CKD.
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