2023, Number 3
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2023; 44 (3)
Differences in the diagnosis of development, comparison of the Bayley II and III scales
Corral-Guillé I, Rivera-González R
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 187-197
PDF size: 315.01 Kb.
Background: The Bayley scales are a widely reported tool for the evaluation of
development in the first years of life. Studies comparing the second edition (BSID-II)
and the third (B-III) report higher than expected scores using B-III, others assume that
the BSID-II places higher demands on various populations. There are no reports in the
Spanish-speaking population.
Objective: Compare scores and classification of both versions in children with a
history of perinatal risk.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study in 671 children from
0 to 42 months, with a history of perinatal risk. The BSID-II and B-III scales were used.
Each participant was evaluated in a single session. Average scores of the B-III Cognitive
Language Composite (CLC) for comparison with Mental Development Index (MDI).
Results: The mean CLC (B-III) was 14.04 points higher than the MDI, and Motor
Composite (MC) (B-III) 17.87 points higher than the Psychomotor Developmental Index
(PDI). Linear regressions to estimate MDI from B-III showed values of r
2 = 0.55 and by
age range with r
2 from 0.52 to 0.84 and for PDI with r
2 of 0.58 overall, and for the 7
ranges with r
2 between 0.51 to 0.75
Conclusions: With the BSID-II, a greater presence of alterations is observed in both
subscales. The BSID-II underestimates the child's development compared to the B-III.
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