2021, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2021; 27 (3)
Successful balloon mitral valvuloplasty in a patient with interatrial septum aneurysm
Echarte MJC, Hechavarria PS, Alfonso RE
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 590.11 Kb.
We report a patient with severe rheumatic mitral valve stenosis, left atrium enlargement and optimal valve structure for percutaneous intervention, but a big interatrial septum aneurysm, who had a successful balloon mitral valvulopsty using right atrial angiocardiograms and transtoracic echocardiography across the process. A Bibliographic review about the disease and percutaneous technical approach was done.
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