2022, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (3)
Interview with William Montgomery: a generational gear in the peruvian behavioral movement
Torres MD, Gutiérrez GD
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1158-1175
PDF size: 332.07 Kb.
It presents a path of the life and academic career of the Peruvian
psychologist and researcher William Montgomery Urday and his
integrative vision of behaviorism is presented, for which an interview
and a review of his bibliographic production were used. The
systematized content goes through the following topics: general
biographical aspects, initial context of his academic training,
intellectual influences of his contemporary compatriots,
sociopolitical vision, investigative practice in Peru, academic
proposals such as integrated behaviorism and behavioral
engineering. The foregoing is accompanied by his reflections on the
relationship of behaviorism with other approaches, academic,
investigative and disseminating experience in the Peruvian
behavioral movement. Based on the answers of the interviewed, the
main characteristics of the Peruvian behavioral generation of the
late twentieth century and its institutional conditions are analyzed.
The role of the interviewed in the Peruvian behavioral movement,
the sociohistorical contextualization of his academic contributions
and the challenges for future generations are discussed.
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