2022, Number 3
Anxiety response in the academics of the Superior Studies Faculty of Iztacala
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1042-1157
PDF size: 326.91 Kb.
Anxiety is an emotion that presents cognitive, physiological and behavioral responses, it manifests itself as a reaction to situations perceived as dangerous, stressful, conflictual and together may deteriorate the normal operation of the person. Research refers to anxiety as an important cause in motivation loss, health problems and performance problems of academics in their activities. The objective of this research was to evaluate and compare the anxiety response between academics of psychology, biology, medicine and odontology careers in Iztacala Faculty of Higher Education. Thirty- Eight academic volunteers from both sexes were applied with the “Inventario de Situaciones y Respuestas de Ansiedad” (ISRA), which evaluates the general level of cognitive, motor and physiological anxiety. The results showed a higher level of cognitive anxiety in academics of Biology, unlike the low levels shown in other careers, specially of psychology and medicine. These differences may be the result of how each academic in the career perceives itself in regard to their Laboral context and how they adapt to its conditions as well as the required competencies for the curricular plan of each career.REFERENCES
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