2023, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2023; 18 (1)
Distributive justice, humanitarian reason and HIV-AIDS
González-Guzmán IJ, Mocellin RM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 165.03 Kb.
Purpose/Background: This article analyzes some injustices experienced by those
living with HIV-AIDS in the city of Bogotá (Colombia).
Methodology/Approach: To this end, it makes an approach to bioethics seeking
to support the distributive nature of justice in relation to HIV- AIDS; then,
based on Didier Fassin’s academic work, he addresses the humanitarian reason
category to reveal the challenges that underlie the absence of a specific policy
for HIV- AIDS.
Results/Findings: It offers recommendations that allow transforming the practical-
political spaces of citizen participation for decision-making in health, in
such a way that political justice is ensured within the framework of HIV- AIDS.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions: The work makes a contribution to the
social reflection of bioethics in Latin America and the Caribbean because it exposes
a concrete moral phenomenon (HIV-AIDS), from a certain cultural scenario
(Bogotá), where life, dignity and human rights are at stake due to the absence
of a specific government policy that responds appropriately to the serological
reality stated here.
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