2023, Number 1
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Rev Med UAS 2023; 13 (1)
Foreign body ingestion in children
González-López LA, Tostado-Morales E, Zamudio-Vázquez VP, Canizales-Muñoz S, Pacheco-Astorga JF
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 27-32
PDF size: 142.66 Kb.
Objective: To describe the epidemiology of foreign body ingestion in children.
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, in patients
from a Pediatric Hospital in Sinaloa Mex. diagnosed with foreign body ingestion were included, during January 2015 to December
Results: During the time of study, 32 514 hospital admissions were made, 131 patients presented foreign body ingestion, whit
prevalence of 0.4%, of which the male sex from wich 59.5% were boys, idetinfying a more common presentation in the group of age
0 to 5 years old. Predominating children from 1 to 2 years (43.5). The most common symptoms were: vomiting (20.75%) sialorrea
(16.98%) sore throath (dysphagia) (10.69%) and cough (10.00%). An important number of patients were asyntomatic (20.75%) The
mean time between the ingestion and the hospital visit was (55.87%) hours. The most common ingest objects were coins (59.5%)
followed by button batteries (23.7). X-Ray was the most flequent diagnostic method (96.9%). The foreign bodies were found (59.5%)
of the time in the esophagus and (26.7%) in the stomach. Endoscopy was expectant in (22.1%) and loryngoscopy was used for
(11.5%) of the patients. Complications such as perilesional erythema (9.16%), gastritis (3.05%), laceration (1.5%), necrosis (1.5%),
and superficial esophageal ulceration (1.5%) were found.
Conclusions: In order to provide a better management and treatmet it is
extremely important to identify the symptoms, the localization and the characteristics of the FB.
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