2023, Number 1
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Rev Med UAS 2023; 13 (1)
Candiduria y COVID-19: Microbiological characteristics and associated factors
Pacheco-Sánchez KA, Dehesa-López E, García-Vazquez RA, Mo-Ye G, Garay-Dixon YMA, Gutiérrez-Arzapalo PY
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 15-26
PDF size: 223.07 Kb.
Objetives: To determine the microbiological characteristics and associated factors and prognosis of Candiduria in patients hospitalized
for COVID-19 at the Hospital Civil de Culiacán.
Material and methods: Observational, retrospective, longitudinal study. Type
of study: Retrospective cohort conducted at the Hospital Civil de Culiacán, México. Patients older than 18 years hospitalized with a
diagnosis of COVID-19 were included; pregnant women were excluded and patients with incomplete collection of the variables studied
were eliminated.
Results: Of the 341 patients hospitalized for COVID-19, 14.4% presented candiduria, 51% were female, with a
mean age of 61.43 years. Candida albicans was the most isolated species with 57.1% of the cases. The use of steroids (OR 3.88)
and antibiotics (OR 5.16) were factors associated with the presence of candiduria. Regarding mortality, age (OR 1.051), acute kidney
injury (OR 7.302) and candiduria (OR 3.89) were found to be associated risk factors, while the use of steroids (OR 0.48) significantly
reduced the risk. mortality risk.
Conclusions: Candiduria is a frequent mycosis in hospitalized patients. In our hospital, a frequency
of 14.4% was demonstrated; the associated risk factors are similar to studies previously conducted in patients hospitalized for COVID-
19 or other causes. The importance of the study is directed to the control of risk factors, in order to reduce complications and their
association with mortality.
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