2023, Number 1
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Rev Med UAS 2023; 13 (1)
Knowledge about biosafety for the management of cytostatic drugs in the staff of a Specialized Center for Oncology Care
Renovato-Hernández CS, Lagunillas-Esparza B, Ávila-Silva RI, Gallegos-García V, Reyes-Laris P, Medina-de la CO
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 5-14
PDF size: 242.30 Kb.
Aim. To evaluate the level of knowledge about biosafety in the handling of cytostatic drugs that the personnel of a Specialized Center
for Oncological Care.
Material and methods. Cross-sectional exploratory research, carried out in a private Oncology Care Center in
the city of San Luis Potosí. A validated instrument was applied to 12 participants to assess the level of knowledge, descriptive and
inferential statistics were performed in the SPSS V.21 program.
Results. 66.6% of the participants were men, 58.0% had a bachelor's
or postgraduate degree, 34.0% of the staff had been working at the center for ‹10 years, 100% knew that it was a cytostatic drug and
67. 0% had a medium level of knowledge about the proper management of cytostatic waste.
Conclusions. Antineoplastics are considered
highly toxic drugs, which can be dangerous not only for patients, but also for health personnel, especially those involved in
treatment, storage, cleaning, patient transfer, and even personnel focused on administrative processes.
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