2021, Number 5
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Mul Med 2021; 25 (5)
Scientific production on COVID-19 and Family Medicine in DIMENSIONS
Gallardo SY, Espinosa GAI, Gallardo ARL
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 329.95 Kb.
Bibliometric analysis allows observing trends within the scientific literature, drawing conclusions about the impact of published material, and most importantly directing research and funding efforts in a more informed way. An observational and descriptive study, of a cross-sectional nature, of a bibliometric typology was carried out in order to characterize the scientific production of COVID-19 and Family Medicine in the DIMENSIONS database during the period from January to July 2020. The base of DIMENSIONS data allowed obtaining information on the 10 thousand 738 articles that were part of the sample. VOSviewer was used for matrix extraction, visualization and analysis, as well as collaboration between investigators. All the information was generated through scientific maps. Articles by authors predominated in joint research with organizations from countries such as China, England, the United States of America and Italy; all of high international prestige and in journals of high scientific impact. The citation of the documents prevailed in the countries, in decreasing order, the United States of America, China, United Kingdom, Italy and others to a lesser extent.
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