2022, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (4)
Psychology and art in the academic circuit in Argentina in the 1950s: articulations between the local and the global
Grassi MC
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1837-1863
PDF size: 368.15 Kb.
The history of the relations between Psychology and Art in Argentina
has not extensive research. However, psychology and, in particular,
Gestalttheorie, has a relevant place in the academic teaching of the
arts and design disciplines of several careers in this country. We call
this process “psychologization of the study of form and colour” and
began with the
Bauhaus (Germany) and the
Vkhutemas (Russia) at
the beginning of the 20th century and continued with the
Gestaltung in Ulm. It spread throughout the world and flourished
in Latin America, for example, in the Escola Superior de Desenho
Industrial in Rio de Janeiro and in the
Vision subjects, created in the
mid-1950s in some universities in Argentina. In this article we carry
out a qualitative analysis of a set of Vision programs from the 1950s
and 1960s in the cities of Rosario, La Plata and Buenos Aires that
include psychology in their contents and the bibliography used in
them. In this way, we show the establishment of the psychological
discourse (at a plastic and theoretical level) and we make a mapping
of the topics and problems of the area that set the Argentine
experiences in dialogue with the antecedents from other parts of the
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