2022, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (4)
Stress and parental adjustment in front to disability: virtual intervention of mindful parenting in Ciudad Juárez
Vargas AA, Maldonado SEB
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1531-1554
PDF size: 303.26 Kb.
The purpose of this study was to intervene in fathers and mothers of
children with disabilities through the virtual adaptation of a Mindful
Parenting program to increase mindfulness, decrease stress levels
and modify the stage of parental adjustment in front to disability. The
design was a pre-experiment with convenience sampling and pre-test,
post-test, and follow-up evaluation. The sample consisted of 7
mothers of children with disability, trained through the program during
a period of 8 weeks. A reduction with respect to stress and an increase
in mindfulness, adaptation stage and reaction stage was found at the
end of 18 hours of the workshop-intervention. The results are
maintained and increase two months after the intervention. There is a
reduction in stress associated with the characteristics and behaviors
of the child with a disability and in the modification of a shock stage to
a reaction stage, which promotes the recognition of the disability,
accepting and integrating the child with disability into family life. This
suggests the effectiveness of the virtual conscious parenting program
with respect to the initial purpose, allowing significant learning to be
inferred that impacts the mental health of the parents, the
development of the child, and later the family.
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