2022, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (4)
Validation of the coronavirus anxiety scale in mexican population
López OA, Fernández FAA, Silva BDI, Reyes LMA, Castro VA
Language: Spanish
References: 70
Page: 1515-1530
PDF size: 304.34 Kb.
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental
health of people, mainly manifesting symptoms of anxiety. The
Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) assesses physiological symptoms
of anxiety associated with COVID-19.
Objective: To examine the
psychometric properties of the CAS in residents of Mexico through
exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.
Method: A total of 391
individuals selected by non-probabilistic sampling participated.
Reliability and validity were determined by the coefficient of internal
consistency, an extraction of principal components with orthogonal
rotation, and confirmatory analysis.
Results: An internal consistency
of .83, KMO sample adequacy indices and Bartlett's specificity (KMO=
.840, χ
2 = 192.932, sig.= .000) were reported. The explained variance
was 62.61% and fit model (χ
2 = 1.734, RMSEA =.050, TLI= .994, CFI
= .987, AIC= 38.67).
Discussion and conclusions: The CAS is
psychometrically sound, constituting a valid tool for both health
professionals and the general population.
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