2021, Number 6
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Medisur 2021; 19 (6)
Effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in women with breast cancer
Escudero CAY, Valencia OAI, Ruvalcaba LJC, Ortega ANA, Bautista DML
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 924-936
PDF size: 1386.24 Kb.
It is relevant to obtain a broader panorama of the strategies use, known as third generation, and in particular, of their effectiveness in short and long-term psychological support in patients with breast cancer treated through the different therapeutic modalities known for this condition.
to describe the main characteristics and effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in women with breast cancer.
a systematic review was carried out, with articles published in open access databases such as Crossref, Springer Open, PUBMED and EBSCO, with a publication date between January 2016 and December 2020. The inclusion criteria of articles were determined according to the PICO strategy: patients or population, interventions, comparison or control, and results. The search terms used: breast cancer and mindfulness-based stress reduction.
110 articles were initially identified, and when applying the inclusion criteria, 15 were selected. In all the studies, women with breast cancer undergoing treatment participated, which were the object of interventions based on the Full Attention-Based Stress Reduction Program. Significant effects were found in variables such as quality of life, symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, distress, sleep disorders, fatigue and in biomarkers such as heart rate.
the Stress Reduction Program Based on Mindfulness shows its effectiveness in patients with breast cancer on psychosocial variables in different countries.
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