2023, Number 05
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (05)
Anemia in Peruvian Andean puerperal women according to type of delivery: a comparative study
Mendoza-Vilcahuaman J, Bujaico FG, Muñoz-De La Torre RJ, Iparraguirre MM, Picoy GJA, Guerra OT
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 317-323
PDF size: 216.44 Kb.
Objective: To describe and compare the obstetric characteristics of postpartum
patients with anemia, with termination of pregnancy by delivery or cesarean section.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective, observational, descriptive and comparative
study of patients with anemia in the postpartum period after childbirth and cesarean
section attended at the Lircay Hospital in Huancavelica in 2020. The documentary
analysis technique was applied and the instrument was a data collection form.
Results: A total of 162 deliveries and 46 cesarean sections were analyzed. In the
pathological characteristics a significant difference was found: anemia in pregnancy
(112 of 162; 69.1% postpartum and 23 of 46 [50% post cesarean]), hypertensive disorders
(4 of 162; 2.5% postpartum and 8 of 46 [7.4% post cesarean]), hemorrhages
in the second half of pregnancy (2 of 162 [1.2% postpartum] and 4 of 46 [8.7% post
cesarean]). Regarding the degree of anemia, a significant difference was found in both
groups in relation to moderate degree (89 of 162 [54.9%] postpartum and 33 of 46
[71.7%] postcesarean section).
Conclusions: In the frequency of puerperal anemia, a difference was found according
to the type of termination of pregnancy. Age, level of education, gestational anemia,
hypertensive disorder, hemorrhage in the second half of pregnancy and placenta previa
were identified as factors with significant differences in anemia, according to the type
of termination of pregnancy.
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