2023, Number 05
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (05)
Long-term management of pelvic pain with levonorgestrel in women with endometriosis who desire to postpone a future pregnancy and preserve their fertility. Case Series
Sánchez-Resendis Ó, Ávila-Morales J, Sánchez-Aguilar ÓE, Del Valle-Jiménez JH
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 307-316
PDF size: 215.96 Kb.
Objective: To assess the long-term treatment of pelvic pain with levonorgestrel in
women with endometriosis who wish to postpone pregnancy and preserve their fertility.
Materials and Methods: Ambispective study, with drug intervention, longitudinal
and descriptive case series. Study parameters: measurement of pain intensity at 12,
24 and 36 months after placement of a single goserelin implant (Zoladex 10.6 mg,
AstraZeneca AB, Gärtunavägen). At the return of menstruation, an intrauterine device
containing levonorgestrel (Mirena Bayer AG, Leverkusen) was inserted. The intensity
of pelvic pain was measured with the Numerical Pain Scale (NPS).
Results: Fourteen patients were studied of whom five reported pain: four with intensity
1 and one with intensity 3. The rest of the patients reported no pain. All patients
reported subjective general relief at 12 months follow-up.
Conclusions: Levonorgestrel administered intrauterine may be an alternative for
the long-term pain-free treatment of patients with endometriosis who wish to postpone
pregnancy. Controlled, randomized studies with a truly representative sample size are
needed to confirm the findings.
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