2023, Number 1
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2023; 51 (1)
Efficacy of retraining therapy in management of tinnitus in adults: Systematic review
Ramírez MJ, Prieto RJ, Lora FJ, Bernal AJ, Gonzales MN,Ramírez MO
Language: Spanish
References: 65
Page: 58-70
PDF size: 289.19 Kb.
Introduction: Tinnitus is a prevalent pathology that occurs in 10-15% of the population,
its diagnosis is clinical and has a negative impact on quality of life. Tinnitus
retraining therapy seeks to categorize and offer individualized comprehensive management
and rehabilitation with improvement in 80% of patients. In recent years,
changes in the implementation of tinnitus retraining therapy are expected to improve
its overall effectiveness. To date, there is no scientific evidence that summarizes the
findings of these studies. Therefore, we performed a systematic review of the literature
that gathers and synthesizes all the literature on the effectiveness of management
with TRT in adult patients diagnosed with tinnitus, estimating a combined measure
of the effect size of the intervention.
Materials and Methods: A systematic review
in 4 different databases, with no language or time limits; in accordance with the
methodology of the PRISMA guidelines was undertaken.
Results: A total of 24,264
articles were found, of which 15 were chosen for data extraction. Of these, seven
were clinical trials and eight cohort studies: with a mean Jadad of 1.55. All used the
Jastreboff and Hazell protocol with a mean follow-up of 16.15±7.8. Discussion: All
the articles included report an improvement in Tinnitus Handicap Inventory values
(efficacy) that persists during the mean follow-up. Additionally, associated with its
use, improvements in quality of life, sleep, work performance and socialization are
reported with the use of TRT in conventional devices or mobile devices. In addition,
the present review sheds light on different subpopulations of tinnitus patients who
could benefit from the use of TRT.
Conclusion: The reports of the included studies
are congruent in determining a reduction of Tinnitus Handicap Inventory in patients
with tinnitus of different causes and stages when treated with TRT under the Jastreboff
et al. protocol at long and short term follow- up.
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