2021, Number 4
Incidence of violence against men in a group of young people from Güines municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 545-553
PDF size: 502.56 Kb.
Introduction: Violence against men, in the context of the couple merits attention, as well as when it happens with women. It becomes a contrariety, within the environment of Public Health, due to the dimension it reaches in the last decades, it hurts the person who receives it, and is expressed in the asymmetrical relations of power between men and women.Objective: To explore the incidence of violence against men in a group of young people from Güines municipality.
Methods: A descriptive study was carried out, in the first trimester, 2018, in Güines, Mayabeque province. The universe of study was formed by 120 university young people and technicians, 60 of them from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and 60 from Antonio Guiteras Holmes Polytechnic Institute. The studied variables were: age, type of violence, frequency of performed violence and causal factors of violence. A questionnaire was applied, a chat and an educative talk were performed about violence.
Results: The 40.8 % of the surveyed young people were 18 years old, psychological violence against men prevailed in the 58.3 %, under alcohol effect in the 47.5 %. The causal factors of highest incidence were: anger in the 35 % and with low levels of self-steam, in the 34.1%.
Conclusions: Psychological violence, practiced under the effects of ingestion of alcohol prevails. The low levels of self-steam and anger are the causes of the abuse.
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