2021, Number 4
Accomplishment of the position program of the Vertical Internship in the Basic Specialties in Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 533-544
PDF size: 1151.23 Kb.
Introduction: The Vertical Internship constitutes a part of the strategy to speed the formation of specialists, it keeps the rigor and quality of the physician formation process, in a process of curricular re-engineering of the pre-professional practice.Objective: To identify the factors which limit the accomplishment of the position program of the vertical internship in the Basic Specialties.
Methods: An educative, quantitative and qualitative research was carried out, with the following technicians: participant observation which was also used as a method, brain storm; cause-effect diagram or Ishikawa fish spine and the ranking matrix. An intentional non-probabilistic sampling with the selection of 30 experts.
Results: There was a negative balance between the given and offered position, in in the last three years, the most critical situation was concentrated in the named basic specialties: Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics an Internal Medicine, the main elements which favored this situation were determined: poor participation, the compromise of the students within the movement of assistants student; insufficient motivation and the compromise of the tutors, as well as the development of limited teaching strategies which did not establish the opportune stimulation in the students.
Conclusions: The factors which limit the accomplishment of the position program of the vertical internship in the Basic Specialties in Matanzas are: intrinsic (students, institution, professors) and extrinsic (organizational and the ones of the regulatory marc), event which determines an inadequate balance of the human resources for the next five years.
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