2023, Number 1
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2023; 40 (1)
Recommendations for parenteral nutritional composition for preterm newborns
Martínez RSM, Briseño SPG, Mejía LME
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 21-27
PDF size: 307.69 Kb.
Parenteral nutrition is a nutrient providing method
necessary for growth and development of preterm
newborns. The aim of this study is to compare the
nutritional recommendations for macro and micronutrients
in different international guidelines. PubMed,
EBSCO and Google Scholar databases were used to
collect relevant articles (observational, guidelines and
reviews) written in English and Spanish, published
between 2016 and 2022. In total, 28 articles were selected,
12 belonging to international guidelines and 16
with dosage recommendations of one or more macronutrients
in relation to some condition or result obtained.
When comparing the international guidelines, it
has been shown that the macronutrient recommendations
are similar to guarantee an ideal nutritional
contribution in the preterm newborn. However, the ESPGHAN/
ESPEN/ESPR/ CSPEN 2018 guide has more
complete information for each nutrient, supporting its
suggestions with evidence articles and recommendations,
being the only guide with a more focused section
on vitamins and trace elements.
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