2023, Number 1
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2023; 40 (1)
Chronic otitis media: The importance of its prevention
Virgen OC, Reyes GU, Reyes HKL, Rodríguez VAJ, Santos HJE, Alonso PNC, García CLÉ, Pérez OFP, Hernández LKA, Chuck SJA, Mercado DCU, Vargas MME, López CG
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 11-15
PDF size: 183.60 Kb.
Chronic otitis media is an inflammatory process of
the mucoperiosteum of the structures of the middle
ear cavity, with an evolution of more than 3 months,
with involvement of the tympanic membrane, either
with perforation or scarring that will lead to conductive
hearing loss. In pediatrics, it is considered a Public
Health problem due to the permanent sequelae that
affect language and hearing in young children, with repercussions
on their learning. This is a basic review of
recent concepts and the importance of a timely and
early diagnosis of a picture of acute otitis media to prevent
it from becoming chronic, with the primary care
physician being the one who must correctly manage
the first picture of otitis media. The current management
of chronic otitis media is reviewed, as well as risk
and protection factors, highlighting breastfeeding, the
complete immunization schedule, and optimal antimicrobial
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