2021, Number 4
Some considerations on the teaching of Pharmacology in the Dentistry degree in Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 288-302
PDF size: 145.67 Kb.
Introduction: Pharmacology constitutes the scientific basis for drug therapy addressed in clinical subjects in the Dentistry degree, which justifies its inclusion in the study plans and highlights the importance of its teaching in the aforementioned degree.Objective: to present some essential considerations on the teaching of Pharmacology in the Dentistry degree in Cuba.
Methods: the dialectical-materialist method of investigation was assumed as a general method of investigation and in a particular way, the methods of documentary review (of the study plans of the aforementioned degree, analytical programs of Pharmacology and scientific articles published in the SciELO database) , of analysis-synthesis to extract the most relevant and historical-logical aspects.
Development: the documentary review carried out allowed the establishment of stages that mark the beginning and development of the teaching of Pharmacology in the Dentistry degree in Cuba; its analysis was carried out taking into account the following indicators: curricular location of the subject and main characteristics of its teaching-learning process.
Conclusions: the transition from teaching with a traditional approach to teaching with a developing one according to contemporary higher medical education is revealed as a trend.
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