2021, Number 4
Artificial intelligence: an imaging tool for COVID-19 positive patients
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 274-287
PDF size: 138.38 Kb.
Introduction: SARS-Cov-2 disease reinforces the importance of the use of new information and communication technologies based on the development and implementation of artificial intelligence systems that favor diagnosis.Objective: to describe the possibility of using artificial intelligence as a tool in imaging for COVID-19 positive patients.
Methods: a review of bibliographic sources was carried out in Infomed, SciELO, PubMed and Google Scholar, from 2015 to 2020 with the use of keywords: coronavirus, COVID-19, pneumonia, radiography and artificial intelligence. 28 documents were selected for their relevance in the study.
Development: the creation of artificial intelligence systems that help medical diagnosis requires an interprofessional approach to science and constitutes one of the lines of work in Cuba during the pandemic. An essential condition for the introduction of artificial intelligence in radiological diagnosis is the training that doctors must receive to interact with it, through a training process that includes an evaluation and explanation of the quality of the data associated with both learning and to new predictions.
Conclusions: the use of artificial intelligence will improve the radiologist's performance to distinguish COVID-19; integrating these technologies into routine clinical workflow can help radiologists diagnose accurately.
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