2021, Number 4
Meaningful learning in Psychology from distance learning in the context of COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 180-195
PDF size: 161.49 Kb.
Background: the COVID-19 disease caused the need to carry out a series of important modifications in the teaching-learning process in higher medical education, mainly in the conditions of distance learning.Objective: to evaluate the achievement of meaningful learning from the extra class work designed by the group of the Psychology subject of Guantánamo University of Medical Sciences in the context of COVID-19.
Methods: a pedagogical research within the quantitative-qualitative approach was carried out in the period from March to September 2020. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, transition from the abstract to the concrete and inductive-deductive; empirical ones: criteria of users, by means of a survey applied to the teachers of the subject, analysis of contents expressed in the extra-class work and the brainstorming technique, as well as statistical mathematical methods for the absolute and relative values.
Results: brainstorming led to the integration of essential contents of the subject into the teaching task under the use of problem-solving methods and independent work. The potentialities of virtual learning environments were exploited. Using the criteria of specialists, the teachers evaluated the parameters considered for the evaluation of the extra-class work designed on the scales of strong agreement and agreement. The content analysis of the responses made by the students evidenced the achievement of meaningful learning.
Conclusions: the extra-class work that was designed contributed to the acquisition of a meaningful learning of the contents of Psychology linked to the experience of second-year Medicine students in integrated community work.
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