2021, Number 4
Website to develop communicative competence in English in medical students
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 164-179
PDF size: 211.10 Kb.
Background: it is necessary to develop communicative competence in English, which requires perfecting the teaching-learning process of this language in universities of medical sciences.Objective: to design a website to develop communicative competence from English I and II subjects in first-year Medicine students.
Methods: a development investigation was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine of Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, from 2019 to 2020. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical, systemic-structural and modeling; empirical ones: pedagogical test, participant observation, student questionnaire and the criteria of specialists for the evaluation of the computing product.
Results: it was found a predominance of poor development of communicative competence in English at the grammatical, lexical and discursive levels. The designed website consists of auditions, videos and texts that facilitate the apprehension of the communicative functions. It can be used in face to face teaching and for independent study. It facilitates the acquisition of the language because it makes the content more accessible and contributes to increasing the motivation of the learners.
Conclusions: it was valued by the specialists as very adequate. As a teaching aid, it offered learning in a balanced way between theory and practice, and gave students the possibility of independence in the development of the language, facilitated interaction and increased communication skills in that language. Its effectiveness was demonstrated in the advances obtained when comparing the results of the pre- test with the post test.
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