2021, Number 4
Managerial skills for the management of the teaching process in teaching-care institutions
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 75-93
PDF size: 177.91 Kb.
Background: the management of the teaching process requires the development of managerial skills in its executors.Objective: to characterize the current state of managerial competencies for the management of the teaching process in the teaching-care settings of Holguín University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out in Holguín University of Medical Sciences, provincial hospitals, municipal hospitals of Moa, Mayarí and Sagua de Tánamo and in settings of Primary Health Care in Holguin city, from September 2017 to 2020 . Theoretical methods were applied for the foundation of the research and empirical methods: questionnaires for students, teachers and executives, documentary review, interview with experts and group interview.
Results: necessary competencies for the management of the teaching process were proposed: leadership, decision-making, creativity, communication, sense of belonging, didactic preparation, professional development, teamwork, mastery of the management stages, political-ideological work and strategic approach.
Conclusions: the assessment that managers and teachers make of the competences for teaching management presents an average level in the health care settings, which coincides with the opinion of the students. The lowest values are related to the competences: communication, creativity, teaching preparation, mastery of the management stages, decision-making, teamwork and mastery of the governing documents of the teaching process.
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