2023, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (3)
Role of community health workers in addressing mental health in rural areas of Chiapas
González-Robledo MC, González-Robledo LM, Nudel-Ontiveros A, Agudelo-Botero M, Rodríguez-Cuevas FG, Reyes-Morales H
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 275-284
PDF size: 336.94 Kb.
Objective. To analyze, from the perspective of community
health workers (CHW), the knowledge and experiences in
mental health care (MH), in rural communities in Chiapas.
Materials and methods. The descriptive phenomenological
approach was used. Eighteen semi-structured
interviews were conducted with CHW, which were audiorecorded,
transcribed, codified and analyzed using qualitative
content analysis with the help of Atlas ti.
Results. Mental
CHW have a broad understanding of the culture, language
and problems of their communities, allowing them to act as
liaisons between health services and the population. They
identify that there is good MH when a “person is in the
mood to do their daily work” and illness when “people are
suffering or have wicked thoughts”. Their work experiences
are linked to individual accompaniment (psycho-education)
and the support of activities carried out by professionals
Compañeros En Salud (CES).
Conclusion. The mental
CHW who work with CES, develop an important role in the
promotion of mental health, of risks and accompaniment of
patients with mental disorders. These findings contribute to
strengthen the evidence on the importance of developing
community interventions in MH through these personnel, in
contexts of scarce availability of health services.
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