2021, Number 4
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CorSalud 2021; 13 (4)
Atherogenic risk markers in pre-eclampsia
Suárez GJA, Gutiérrez MM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 408-413
PDF size: 228.84 Kb.
Introduction: The atherogenic role of pre-eclampsia with lipid profile changes are risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Objective: To assess atherogenic risk markers in women with pre-eclampsia.
Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on 180 pregnant women who attended the pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. risk consultation at the Hospi-tal Gineco-Obstétrico Mariana Grajales between 2018-2019. The statistical analysis was performed in two stages, descriptive analysis: mean, median, mode and standard deviation and inferential analysis: Student's t-test (quantitative) and Chi-square (qualitative). The level of statistical significance was considered with a value of p<0.05.
Results: Women of childbearing age (29±6.8 years) with a family history of pre-eclampsia (39.6%), nulliparity (35.2%) and personal history of pre-eclampsia (29.6%) predominated, as well as obese pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy (37.8%) and within this group, class I obesity. In the group of women who devel-oped pre-eclampsia, the levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, glycemia, ab-dominal circumference, as well as the Castelli index and the triglycerides to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio were significantly higher (p<0.0001).
Conclusions: Personal history of pre-eclampsia and obesity at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as high levels of glycemia, total cholesterol and triglycerides are indicators of atherogenic risk in women with pre-eclampsia.
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