2023, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2023; 25 (2)
Social Support in Breast Cancer Associated with Duel
Gómez-Cano MA, Pérez-López D, Aboites-Lucero JL
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 77-81
PDF size: 208.33 Kb.
Objectives: To compare the level of social support in
patients diagnosed with breast cancer in each of the
stages of mourning.
Methods: A convenience sampling
was carried out in 257 patients with breast cancer
older than 30 years in the High Specialty Medical
Unit of the Gynecology-Obstetrics Hospital no. 3 at
La Raza Medical Center in Mexico City. A general data
survey was applied, Graffar’s method was used for
socioeconomic level, MOS method was used for social
support and a test of psychological responses to
grief due to loss of health, inferential statistics with χ
were carried out, considering a statistical significance
of p≤0.05.
Results: 257 participants of the sociodemographic
data, age 50-59 (31.1%), married (40.9%), single
(17.9%), unemployed (38.9%), graduate (28.4%),
illiterate (0.8%), socioeconomic level III (45.1 %),
suffering from comorbidities (41.2%), of which 9.7%
suffered from hypertension and 8.36% suffered from
diabetes receiving mixed treatment (56%). 55.3% were
unaware of the stage of cancer they were in, maximum
social support with (81.7%), the acceptance stage of
mourning 92.2%.
Conclusions: The maximum perception
of social support was found mostly in patients
with breast cancer at more advanced stage of
mourning. The perceived social support depends on
the stage of mourning in which the patient is meaning
that, the patient will perceive the maximum social support
during the more advanced stages of duel.
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