2023, Number 1
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Sal Jal 2023; 10 (1)
Aging and health-related quality of life
Hernández-Mejía R
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 50-64
PDF size: 275.70 Kb.
The article is a reflection on Aging and Health-Related Quality of Life. It is a materialistic approach, consisting of two parts. The first summarizes the origin of the universe, the Big Bang 14 billion years ago, the origin of the earth 5 billion years ago and the origin of life some 4 billion years ago. Alexander Oparin's theory and the experiments of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey. It describes our planetary system, the geocentrism of Ptolemy and the heliocentrism of Copernicus. It analyzes the Earth's planetary time, seconds, hours, days, months and years. One day is a turning of the earth on its axis and one year is the circumambulation of the planet around the sun. This part ends, commenting on the calendar time, mainly the Gregorian calendar. The second part describes the process of aging, individual and population, analyzing the causes of it. Socioeconomic level, as well as biochemical and cellular. Senile age is described, commenting on various populations for their high level of elderly centenarians, the so-called blue zones. Finally, the factors involved in aging and health-related quality of life are described. Finally, the seven health criteria of Lester Breslow are cited to maintain this quality of life.
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