2020, Number 4
Sistema de acciones con enfoque bioético a cuidadores de pacientes oncogeriátricos con ingreso domiciliario
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 530-544
PDF size: 445.32 Kb.
Introduction: the first cause of death in elderly are oncological diseases, which require quality in the performance of the caregiver with a bioethical approach at home.Objective: to design a system of actions with a bioethical focus for caregivers of oncogeriatric patients with advanced stages of the disease and home admission.
Methods: a descriptive, transversal and observational study was carried out at the "Marta Abreu de Estévez" University Polyclinic in the Municipality of Santa Clara from September 2018 to June 2019. The universe was made up of the 12 primary caretakers of oncogeriatric patients in an advanced stage of the disease admitted to the home. In order to obtain the information, documentary analysis and the application of a survey were used to measure knowledge in caregivers related to care with a bioethical approach, prior informed consent.
Results: predominantly female between 50 and 59 years old, and low and high level of schooling. Learning needs were identified for palliative care with bioethical approach at home, which allowed the design of the system of actions to face this stage of life.
Conclusions: Insufficient instruction was identified in caregivers about bioethical knowledge in the care of the elderly in advanced stages with oncological disease. It was pertinent to design a system of psycho-educational actions to be implemented by the health team that would contribute to the performance of the caregivers with greater quality and would respect bioethical principles during life and human dignity as the most sacred of rights.
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