2023, Number 46
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (46)
Self-perceived clinical error: analysis from the health approach based on human rights in Mexico
Mendoza GMF, Vázquez MFD, Mota Morales ML, Ortiz-Chacha CS, Delgado DC, Cortés JH, Ramírez GIM, Luzanía VMS
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 79-92
PDF size: 666.46 Kb.
Introduction: The Human Rights-Based Approach to Health
(HRBAH) in medical education requires efficient training
and favorable conditions in order to train doctors. However,
complaints about medical errors involving residents
have been documented, so protecting the right to health
of users and residents has been affected.
Objective: This paper aims to identify the factors related
to self-perceived medical errors (diagnostic-therapeutic),
risk and protection factors that occur due to lack
of academic monitoring or because specialty medical
residents, assigned to medical units in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, during the 2019-2020 academic year, lack
of clinical skills.
Method: We used data collected by the Observatory of
Medical Education and Human Rights of Universidad Veracruzana,
in which the right to education, the right to health
and the right to work in medical students, particularly
those from both clinical specialty and 2019-2020 academic
year, are considered. We conducted an analytic
prevalence epidemiological study, for which we elaborated
the Rate of Medical Errors (RME).
Results: The following factor were determined with the occurrence
and increase of RME in 764 medical residents:
lack of supervision of activities, number of weekly hours
worked, type of hospital affiliation, type of specialty and
the age, was observed. The conditions for the right to
decent work increased the risk up to seven times when
medical decisions were made without the supervision of
the person in charge, as well as the increased risk for
discriminatory treatment. Medical error is presented differently
for men and women in some of the factors analyzed.
Conclusion: Medical errors decrease when the guarantee
of the rights analyzed is greater. From the HRBAH perspective,
it is essential to respect the right to education,
work, and a decent life of medical residents in order to
reduce medical errors. Finally, the incorporation of the
gender perspective in the analysis and intervention for
improvements in medical education is suggested.
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